Happy Constitution Day! To celebrate the founding of our nation the 8th grade class performed a play revisiting the debate about whether to sign or not sign the Constitution at our school assembly. To reach an agreement the founding fathers added the Bill of Rights forming the United States of America. The class also got […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Spend about 15 minutes each night reading to and with your children. Always looking for sight words! List books on reading log below: reading-log Use a favorite fiction or non fiction book and have your child report on that reading. Many like to report on their library book. Library books are due […]
Hello Second Grade Families! It was so wonderful to see all the grandparents and special guests on Friday. We did so many fun activities. THINGS TO REMEMBER FOR THIS WEEK: Tuesday & Thursday: P.E. Remember to send plenty of water and proper shoes. Thursday: Library Books due. Students were allowed to check out 2 books […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We all enjoyed Grandparent’s Day on Friday! It was nice to meet everyone’s grandparents and family. My new friends were proud to show all they have learned 🙂 Academics will follow our usual patterns: Reading from Religion text and the Children’s Bible with a focus on Abraham. Reading and Writing workshops – […]
Hello 3rd Grade Families, It was a pleasure meeting so many grandparents last Friday. We had a full classroom buzzing with family and friends. Oh what a day it was! This week in class… Math: We have our first math test on Wednesday. It will cover all Chapter 1 content (which is almost entirely a […]
We were blessed to have so many grandparents and other family members with us last Friday for Grandparents’ Day. We shared what we have learned about geometry and then read about the presidential candidates in our Scholastic News magazine. I encourage students to access spelling city.com to practice spelling words. Each student has a new login […]
Dear Families, It was so great to see so many family members here for Grandparents Day. We had a wonderful time. This Tuesday family envelopes and student work packets will be going home. Please return the envelopes on Wednesday. Friday is a full day of school. Below is an overview of our week: Math: I […]
Dear Parents, September 12, 2016 Here’s what we are learning in first grade this week! Language Arts: Our Readers Workshop has us focusing on building our “good habits” in reading by using picture clues to determine difficult words and making sure to look at all parts of our words. In Writers Workshop we are […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Read each night and list books /chapters on reading log. Recommended reading time is a minimum of 15 minutes. It is fine to continue listing on Reading Glue site. Click link below for reading log. reading-log Your child’s sight work book is coming home today. Please use this book to practice words. […]
The catholic church celebrates the birthday of Mary today September 8, 2016. The Class of 2017 prepared presentations and a Q & A session for each grade at SHS. All students were given a treat to celebrate the birth of our wonderful mother Mary!