Last week kindergarten learned about Epiphany and the long journey the Three Kings made to pay homage to the Newborn King. Look at some amazing water color samples with a silhouette of the Kings. Beautiful story and beautiful work!
Dear Parents, January 11, 2016 This week in first grade, we are learning… Language Arts: Our reading strategy this week is summarizing and the comprehension skill that will help us with that strategy is making generalizations. Paying attention to the beginning, middle, and end of the story will help us with summarizing and paying attention […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, You will find the Young Explorer magazine to read and use for the book response. Some children enjoy finding their own non-fiction book to report on – which is fine. We do enjoy reading these together on Thursdays. The 100 day of school is coming soon! It is on January 20. Start […]
Second Grade Families, Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed your family and friends during this special season. I would like to thank all of you for the special cards, well wishes and gifts. Take a Peek at Our Week: Homework: Click Here for Fluency Homework Reading Log (100 or more minutes required a […]
Welcome back, and a very Happy New Year to everyone! What we are working on this week Religion: We will continue our discussion of the first commandment, and then begin chapter 11, discussing the second commandment. Math: We continue our work in Unit 4, focusing upon decimals. We will have a test on this unit […]
Dear Families, Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed the time with family and friends. This Friday we will have our Spelling Bee. Please join us if your schedule allows. Below is an overview of our week: Math: We will compare fractions and mixed numbers. We will also find equivalent names for fractions and mixed […]
Hello Third Grade Families, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone enjoyed the break resting and relaxing among friends. This week we will hit the ground running. Math: We begin Chapter 5: Place Value in Whole Numbers and Decimals. This week will focus on very large numbers (up to the millions). Later in the chapter we […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Wishing everyone blessings and peace for a happy and healthy New Year! Your constant support is truly appreciated. Jason, Brandon and Kaelyn will celebrate their birthdays in January! As we begin this New Year our faith focus for this week — the birth of Christ and the coming of the Magi. Objectives […]
Dear Parents, January 4, 2016 Happy New Year! I hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday season with family and friends. This week in first grade, we are learning… Language Arts: We will be jumping right in with Theme 5 (Home Sweet Home)! Our reading strategy is questioning and the comprehension skill that […]
Dear Second Grade Parents, I thank all of you for taking time out of your day to attended our parent-teacher conferences last week. I appreciate ALL you do to support your child’s academics! Our Christmas Program will be on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. We will have a dress rehearsal at 1:30 on Wednesday. Here is […]