Hello Third Grade Families, Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone was able to enjoy the long weekend among family and friends. This week in class… Math: The class continues with Chapter 9: Multiplication and Division, Part III. Now we move on from learning the “partial-products algorithm” & “lattice method” to applying them in context. This […]
I hope everyone enjoyed the long Memorial Day weekend. It’s hard to believe there are only three more weeks of school left. Everyone worked very hard today, so please encourage your children to stay focused as they were today for just a little bit longer!!! We will have another free dress day this Wednesday, rewarding […]
Dear Families, If you have not already returned the two permission slips for the field trip please do so. This Wednesday is Free Dress.Wednesday night is also the PTC Pizza and Slide show. This Friday is a full day of school. Below is an overview of our week. Math: We will use an area model […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, It was a nice long weekend ! With an exciting week ahead… ** Wednesday is a free dress for the Jogathon and later on the Pizza Dinner and Slide Show. **Friday is a full day (our last full day Friday) Hope all parents did their homework – we need those permission slips […]
Dear Parents, May 25, 2015 I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! A nice taste of what is coming… Summer!! 🙂 This week in first grade, we are learning… Language Arts: We are wrapping up Theme 10 with week 3! Our reading strategy this week is monitor/clarify. Part of becoming a good reader is realizing […]
As our 8th grade students leave their Sacred Heart School uniforms behind and complete the school year in free dress, we hold our Used Uniform Sale. Like many years previously, the sale will take place outside the school office on Wednesday, June 4 from 2-3:30p. The sale provides an excellent opportunity to fill in or […]
Our Pizza/Slide Show is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27 with pre-ordered dinners available from 5:30-6:15p and the school year slide show starting at about 6:30p. Scrip & service hour opportunities are available and can be included in this or next school year’s recordkeeping. Please contact office@sacredheartschoolventura.org to volunteer to assist with set-up, service, or clean-up […]
If you need hours to complete your service hours requirment for 2014-2015 (18 hours), and you have some time available at home this week, please contact office@sacredheartschoolventura.org or stop by the office to pick up some books that need assembly and stapling. Thank you!
Dear Second Grade Parents, We have only 4 days this week and a lot to due. We will start our Memorial Day weekend on Friday. There will also be no school on Monday. A Peek at our Academic Week: Homework: No fluency, IXL U.4 and U.5 (student MUST complete skill), READING LOG(Reading is only required […]
We will have a free dress day ($1 donation) this Wednesday. All of the money will be sent to the Archdiocese, which will in turn send it to Nepal for earthquake relief. There is up to $100,000 in matching funds that has been offered, so we encourage everyone to be even more generous than usual. […]