As part of our fundraising efforts for The Archdiocese of Los Angeles Adopt-a-Family Program, Halloween themed tattoos will be available for purchase on Friday, October 31. To add to the festivities of Halloween, all students are encouraged to bring $1 for each tattoo they would like to wear on their hands on this exciting day. […]
Dear Kindergarten families, With October moving so quickly, homework will be shortened giving time to work on the Saint’s Report. This is required homework due next Thursday. The report is simple and will be shared in class. You may find a picture to glue on this report or your child can draw their saint. Research […]
The 6th grade is studying the importance of the Agricultural Revolution. To help us connect to our ancient ancestors the 6th grade enjoyed a presentation on the foods we eat today that are from thousands of years ago. Some of these foods include pomegranates, dates, raisins, flat bread, and hummus. We then feasted on these […]
Hello- We are looking forward to our Primary Center day on Friday. If you are interested in volunteering, please send me an email. Take a look at our Academic Week: Homework: Reading Log Fluency and Spelling City (only two assignments) ; No IXL There will be no ixl to allow some time to look up information […]
Hello Third Grade Families! As always, we are working hard in the third grade. This Wednesday we have another free dress day. Bring $1 (or more!) if you would like to participate. All will go directly to the Adopt-a-Family Program. Then, on Friday, we will enjoy our second “Intermediate Centers.” In class this week, we’ll […]
Dear Families, This is a busy week for the 5th grade class! This Wednesday is Free Dress for a $1.00 donation. We will also have our vision screening on Wednesday. Every Tuesday and Thursday we will have bottle water sales for $1.00 before school. Friday is noon dismissal and school wide centers. Below is an […]
We enjoyed our “free” Free Dress day last Monday; this Wednesday we will have another Free Dress day, but this time we need to bring $1, which will go towards our mission project for the first trimester, which is Adopt-a-Family. Students can also purchase a bottle of water for $1 every Tuesday and Thursday morning, […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Please let me know your child’s saint Monday or Tuesday, the latest. I have most of them at this time. Homework this week will be a simple paper on their saint. If your are having trouble selecting, please let me know. I can help! Progress Reports are due on Tuesday- please sign […]
Since school has begun we pray Angel of God as we end our school day. On October 2, we had a lesson on the feast day of the Guardian Angels. Discussing how important our special angel is in our life. With their thoughts and creativity your children used three triangles, one circle, crayons and their […]
Dear Parents, October 13, 2014 This week in first grade, we are learning… Language Arts: This week, we begin Theme 3! Our reading strategy is “evaluate”. After reading a story, we think back on what we read and learned to decide if we like or dislike the story […]