After writing survey questions, kindergarten students walked the campus with clipboards and crayons graphing data at all grade levels. After recording data on graphs we found: blue is by far the most liked color; most students enjoy chocolate whether it be candy, muffins or cake; spiders the favorite bug; going to the movies #1; and […]
The scrip & service hours’ recordkeeping for the 2013-2014 school year closes on May 22 with any balances due collected shortly after. Statements were delivered two weeks ago and we encourage active effort to purchase scrip and complete service hours to eliminate or minimize payments for this portion of tuition. Double dipping is an option […]
Time is running out! If you would like to win one of the nine prizes available in this last round you must act! Please return your raffle tickets and/or if you would like additional tickets, please contact the school office or Winners will be selected on Friday!
There will be no Family Envelope the week of April 14 as we anticipate the start of The Easter Break at noon on Holy Thursday, April 17. The Family Envelope will return the week of April 28 as we return to school following The Easter Break.
All SHS students will receive their Jogathon envelopes as we return from the Easter Break when we ask that you sign the permission portion of the envelope and assist your student(s) with collecting donations. All pledges are listed on the front of the envelope and donations are turned in with the signed permission form prior […]
Dearest Third Grade Families, Wednesday night is our big night! The show is scheduled to begin at 6:30, so please plan to be in the Hall no later than then. The students have been practicing every day and sound fantastic! This week we’ll be studying the following: Math: The class will begin Unit 8 (Fractions!) […]
Dear Second Grade Parents, I hope you enjoyed this gorgeous weekend. Please remember to send extra water with your child this week because they will be drinking plenty of water due to the warm weather. First Communion is right after our spring break. If you have any questions, please let me know via email. Here […]
Dear Families, This is a busy week for the 5th grade class. The students are doing a great job getting ready for the intermediate program. The program is Wednesday, April 9th at 6:30. Mrs. Lyle sent home a letter on Friday explaining what the students should wear.This Friday is a full day. The Speech Contest […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, As we begin the 5th week of Lent, a look at Sunday’s Gospel. Lazarus falling sick, his sisters calling for Jesus, and the miracle that happened. We will begin with our Children’s Bible and a short video titled “Lazarus, Come Out”. Bible verse John 11:5, “Jesus loved Martha, her sister and Lazarus […]
Dear Parents, April 7, 2014 We are starting theme 9 in our reading series – Special Friends. Our reading strategy this week is “monitor/clarify”. The comprehension skill that will help us with this strategy is noting details. Using the text, pictures, and paying attention […]