Hello 4th Grade Families! We have lots of exciting things happening this week! Important Dates: Homework: This Week in Class: Let’s have a great week, Ms. Schmaeling
Third grade families, A lot of FUN this week! Important Dates Weekly Homework Sneak Peek To Our Academic Week Have a great week!Miss Poindexter
Thee 6th grade studied Ancient Egypt. We learned about their building skills, the importance of the Nile River, mummification, and their afterlife beliefs. They worked in small groups to create dioramas from specific jobs like farming, pyramid building, trade along the Nile, and mummification. Every scene was creative and filled with historical information. We are […]
The 7th grade is finishing learning about the Middle Ages time period. From feudalism to knights tournaments to the role of the church the class has discussed the hardships of life during this time period. The students also designed beautiful stained glass windows. Next we will learn about the Renaissance.
Third grade families, Happy Spring! & yet, another rainy week! It was so great to see so many of you on Friday! We have worked so hard in third grade and the kiddos were so excited so showcase some fun work with all. 🙂 Important Dates Weekly Homework Sneak Peek To Our Academic Week Stay […]
Hello Kindergarten families, Thank you for coming to the Showcase and Sweets on Friday! We are very proud of our school and the displays in each classroom. The Second Trimester Grading Reports will come home on Tuesday in the Red Office envelope. Please sign and return just the envelope – keep the report for your […]
Hello 4th Grade Families! It was great to see many of you on Friday for our Spring Showcase. The students were very excited to show off their Mission Research projects. Here’s a look at this week: Important Dates: Homework: Our Week: Let’s have a great week!Ms. Schmaeling
In spite of the many challenges that rain, wind, and cold temperatures deliver, the boys basketball team has worked together to produce a 7-0 record so far. Well coached by Coaches Martin & Troy, the team has played well at home and away. With several more league games to complete, the team gets better every […]
The rain has stopped long enough for us to gather on Friday and celebrate the close of the Second Trimester! We hope you can join us for all or part of this special day to participate in Mass, pick up Sweets, spend time with the classes, see our “school families” underway, have lunch with the […]
Hello Families, I hope you are having a lovely start to your week. Welcome to the 3rd Trimester! Important Dates: Homework: Our Week: Let’s have a great week, Ms. Schmaeling