“National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States, During the week, schools and parishes focus on the value Catholic education provides to young people and Catholic education’s contributions to our church, our communities and our nation. The week builds community awareness of and involvement in Catholic schools throughout […]
Closing the end of the 12 days of the Christmas and the ‘reason for the season’ will be our religion focus as we start this new year. Learning the word ‘Epiphany’ as recalling the Magi’s visit to Jesus’ family, His baptism in the Jordan River, and the story of Jesus’ childhood. We will celebrate our […]
Happy New Year! With much to look forward to, please check the calendar for many exciting January events! We start the new year with a school Mass and The Spelling Bee on Friday. Our Parent Teacher Council Board meets to prepare for The Winter Running Raffle and the events of Catholic Schools’ Week, and the […]
We hope all of the Sacred Heart School community enjoys a wonderful holiday time. May all the blessings of the Infant Jesus be present in our homes and hearts!
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, It is almost time for Christmas Vacation! Your children have been working hard and doing very well in class. They are ready for time with family and friends. The Christmas Program is tonight at 6:30. Please be at the school by 6:15 and meet in Biedermann Hall. If you have […]
Dear Fifth Grade Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. This is a busy week for the students. We will be having our Chapter 4 Social Studies test on Tuesday. The students have been working very hard to get ready for this test. I know everyone will do well. Wednesday is our class Christmas celebration […]
Dearest Second Grade Parents, We have a short and busy two and a half days. I hope you all had a little time to spend time with each other this weekend. Our Christmas Program will be on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. On Wednesday, we will have our book exchange & classroom celebration. A […]
Dear Parents, December 17, 2012 The last week of school for 2012!! What an exciting week it will be! We have finished theme 4 in our reading series and will be assessing this week. We will spend our language arts time this week reading Christmas books, […]
As we empathize with the school community suffering this tragedy, we pray for their courage. May God’s provident care protect each person impacted and provide the strength each needs.
Sacred Heart School students raised $300 to add to the funds needed to repair schools damaged by Hurricane Sandy in New York and New Jersey. Each free dress day intended as a money raiser for a particular cause, students are asked to contribute $1 each. After teachers described the challenges Catholic schools face in New […]