Dear Parents, March 12, 2012 We had a fantastic turn out at the School Fair! Thank you for supporting this event! The students were thrilled to see our community come together before their very eyes and we hope you enjoyed it just as much! In addition, a big “Thank you!” to the parents who volunteered […]
The middle school students participated in a retreat today to further their understanding on the meaning of Lent. The retreat opened up with several getting to know you activities and then discussed times when we are selfish or unkind to friends, family, and others. In small groups the students designed posters with messages of kindness […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Thank you for working with your children to complete homework each week. I am impressed how comfortable they are accessing our school website. Not to mention how well they work around the web games. This week your students had ‘free choice’ when in computer lab. They choose to visit the […]
The grade 4 chapter 9 science test has been rescheduled until next Wednesday, March 14th. We have spent a lot of time with mission and gold rush reports this week. I feel we need more time to review the chapter before the test The chapter 7 math test (fractions) will be given next Tuesday, March […]
Dear Third Grade Families, We had a blast celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday Friday afternoon. Our class did a fantastic job in the science lab making oobleck and we look forward to returning very soon. Mark your calendars for Wednesday night’s School Fair from 6:30-8:00 in Biedermann Hall. Our class solar system projects will be on […]
Dear Second Grade Families, All students enjoyed READ ACROSS AMERICA activities on Friday as we celebrated the birthday of Dr. Suess. This will continue as students receive tickets for a drawing to be held at the end of March for books read. The School Fair will be this Wednesday. Come and see the hard work […]
@font-face { font-family: “Cambria”; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: “Times New Roman”; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } Dear Families, All the students did a great job on their School Fair reports. I hope to see everyone at the Fair on Wednesday at 6:30! We enjoyed reading as a whole […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, I am hoping you heard all about our outreach program, Ladybug Lady and her Creepy Crawly Friends. She came in costume, used puppets, and gave us lots of information on many kinds of insects. She did a great job and will return in April to teach us about marine life […]
Dear Parents, March 5, 2012 Our reading strategy this week is “questioning”. Good readers question before they start reading, as well as, during reading. […]
This is our big school fair week! All mission or gold rush projects need to be at school by tomorrow. I look forward to seeing all of you this Wednesday evening at 6:30. This week we continue fractions during math time. Please add this site,, to your computer bookmarks. It is a great place […]