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Homework 2-10-12

Kindergarten By February 10, 2012 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, As we prepare for our School Fair in March, we will be using the World Book Web found on our school website. You can find it easily on the right side of the home page. User name and passwords will be sent home in this week’s red homework folder. I would like […]


Treat Everyone with Respect

8th Grade By February 9, 2012 No Comments

This Sunday is the sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Gospel tells the story of Jesus healing a leper. He asks the leper to only tell a priest what has happened, but the leper is so excited he tells everyone. Then the crowds come for Jesus. The reflection discussion focused on how the class views […]


2nd Grade News

2nd Grade, Our Students By February 6, 2012 No Comments

Week of February 6-10, 2012 Dear Second Grade Families, Valentine’s Day will be celebrated on Tuesday February 14. Cards (for everyone) will need to be brought in on that morning for distribution. There will be a celebration later in the day. FLAT PEOPLE UPDATE…  We will be sending Valentine letters to our wonderful hosts. Included […]


Weekly Newsletter, Feb. 6

5th Grade By February 6, 2012 No Comments

Dear Fifth Grade Families, I hope everyone had a wonderful Catholic Schools week.  Thank  you all for the gifts and the flowers.  This Wednesday is free dress for a donation of $1.00.  The money donated will go to Many Meals.  This Friday Bishop Curry will celebrate mass with us.  If your schedule allows please join […]


Weekly Newsletter 2/6

3rd Grade By February 6, 2012 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Families, I hope that everyone enjoyed Catholic Schools Week. Everything from Parent’s Day to our mini field day on Friday went off without a hitch. A big THANK YOU goes out to all those parents who participated in one way or another, from setting up our fantastic lunch on staff appreciation day […]


Weekly Letter February 6

Kindergarten By February 6, 2012 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, I hope everyone enjoyed the sunshine and had a nice weekend. This will be a regular week, with the exception of our outreach program, “Hey Little Ant” on Thursday. RAYS  (Reading Awakens Young Scientists) is an enrichment program that introduces young minds to science and technology through children’s stories and lab work. […]


Weekly Newsletter!

1st Grade By February 5, 2012 No Comments

Dear Parents,                                                     February 6, 2012 February is here! My, the time is flying by! Our reading strategy this week is questioning.  A good reader stops while reading and asks themselves questions about the story.  The comprehension skill that helps us in understanding what we read is noting details.  Paying close attention to the details given […]
