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Homework 1-20-12

Kindergarten By January 19, 2012 No Comments

Dear Parents, This week the 100 day project is due on Tuesday. Please return items in 100-day bag. Group items in sets of 5’s or 10’s for easier counting. We will use these for science and math on Tuesday. This project is required. Please read / record on reading log. Practice sight word and ‘at […]


Basketball News!

Athletics By January 17, 2012 No Comments

Both the boys and girls teams have been practicing very hard.  The boys’ first game is Wednesday, Jan. 18th against Our Lady of the Assumption and the girls’ first game is Thursday, Jan. 19th also against Our Lady of the Assumption.  We hope you can come to our games to cheer us on! The Girls’ […]


January 17, 2012

5th Grade By January 17, 2012 No Comments

Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend.  Tomorrow is Free Dress for a donation of $1. The monies collected will be for Holy Childhood Association.  Friday is a full day of school.  The School Fair will be on March 7th.    The students have all picked someone for their reports.   It’s so wonderful to […]


1/17 weekly newsletter!

3rd Grade By January 17, 2012 No Comments

Dear third grade families, Third grade will be back at it bright and early Tuesday morning as we continue to work on multiplication in math. We plan to complete Chapter 6 next week and then swiftly move on to division. In language arts, we will finish learning our cursive letters. This week, you will notice […]


Week of January 17-20, 2012

2nd Grade By January 17, 2012 No Comments

Dear Second Grade Families, Thank you to all our primary center volunteers. You were terrific! You always make our activities successful and fun! FLAT PEOPLE UPDATE:  Postcards of our area were sent this past week.  As our incoming mail continues, we have enjoyed learning about various places in California as well as in other parts […]


January 17-20

Kindergarten By January 17, 2012 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents, Thank you parents for making Primary Centers a great day! Your time and prep work was greatly appreciated.  If you need another service hour sheet click here:  2011-2012-Service-Hours-Sheet I have envelopes coming home today for our outreach program, “Hey, Little Ant.” This program cost $7.00, if paying by check, make it out […]


Weekly Newsletter!

1st Grade By January 16, 2012 No Comments

Dear Parents,                                                     January 17, 2012 Thank you to those who were able to help in Primary Centers.  The children (and me too!) enjoy seeing you in our classroom and truly appreciate the help.  I hope that everyone enjoyed the three-day weekend! We are finishing theme 5 in our reading series this week and will continue […]
