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PTC Fundraiser Coming in January–Donations Begin Now

Fundraisers, Parent Teacher Council (PTC), Service Hours By November 19, 2011 No Comments

A letter from Sonya Stickels, the Vice President in charge of Fundraising for the SHS PTC,  follows asking for donations for our winter Running Raffle.  Please join in this event by donating items now and throughout the winter!  This is an excellent opportunity to complete the service hour and scrip obligation as we complete the […]


Field Trip, Homework and Holiday

Kindergarten By November 18, 2011 No Comments

Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Kindergarten students are very excited. We are going on our first field trip! A walk to our neighborhood Fire Station escorted by Fireman Hoffman. Permission slips must be returned by Monday, November 21 in order for your child to attend. Thank you for reading the website and finding the links […]


Saintly Presentations

8th Grade By November 17, 2011 No Comments

The last several weeks the 8th grade class has researched a saint that interests them and prepared a report on that saint. Today they dressed as the saint and spoke to the lower grades about their life. The class did an excellent job on this project. When we finished being saints, we went into the […]


Volleyball News

Athletics By November 15, 2011 No Comments

A final volleyball post for all the Sacred Heart girls’ volleyball fans: The last week has been rather exciting!  We made our way to the tournament!  Our first game was against Saint Sebastian and we won both games.  Then after a short break we played against Saint Mary Magdalen.  It was a very close game […]
