Since our week is short as we celebrate Thanksgiving with our families and friends, The Family Envelope will not be sent home this week. The next delivery of information will go out on Tuesday, November 29th. Happy Thanksgiving!
Please review the schedule that was enclosed in your November 14 Family Envelope. If a change in the schedule is necessary, please contact the school office, not the individual teachers. Any change in the schedule impacts the total schedule and must be done only through the school office. Thank you!
Each year, each family has 36 hours of service valued at $10 per hour and $300 in scrip “profit” as a part of tuition. Many families exceed this amount, but to be on a comfortable schedule, at least a third of both should be completed at the close of the trimester on November 23. Timely […]
A letter from Sonya Stickels, the Vice President in charge of Fundraising for the SHS PTC, follows asking for donations for our winter Running Raffle. Please join in this event by donating items now and throughout the winter! This is an excellent opportunity to complete the service hour and scrip obligation as we complete the […]
Another opportunity to complete the service hour and scrip obligation is coming soon as we honor our SHS Middle School scholars with a dessert bar at their Honors Reception. If you are a baker, we would appreciate your contributions to this event! Scrip donations allow the purchase of other baked goods if needed, sparkling cider, […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents and Families, Kindergarten students are very excited. We are going on our first field trip! A walk to our neighborhood Fire Station escorted by Fireman Hoffman. Permission slips must be returned by Monday, November 21 in order for your child to attend. Thank you for reading the website and finding the links […]
The last several weeks the 8th grade class has researched a saint that interests them and prepared a report on that saint. Today they dressed as the saint and spoke to the lower grades about their life. The class did an excellent job on this project. When we finished being saints, we went into the […]
A final volleyball post for all the Sacred Heart girls’ volleyball fans: The last week has been rather exciting! We made our way to the tournament! Our first game was against Saint Sebastian and we won both games. Then after a short break we played against Saint Mary Magdalen. It was a very close game […]
Another sweatpants option is added to PE day uniform possibilities! Samples are available to see in the school office and the pants may be purchased from Proforma immediately or at any time throughout the school year.
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a restful long weekend. Today we completed our monthly emergency drill. I was very proud of how the students handled the drill. We were in the MP Room 2 and everything went smoothly! Wednesday is a free dress day for a $1.00 donation. This Friday is a noon dismissal. […]