We all enjoyed sporting our Halloween tattoos on Friday! After we returned from Mass, the eighth grade students organized in Multi-Purpose #1 and applied tattoos to the hands and arms of students in kindergarten through seventh grade. Each student could have one or two tattoos applied and several students purchased more tattoos to enjoy at […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We had a busy week! Olivia celebrated her birthday on Monday. We are all set with whom your child will portray in the Saint’s Parade. Parade is next Friday, November 4 at 8:30. Please come with your camera to see and capture this annual event. If you are struggling with costumes, I […]
Originally, we planned our Music Assembly for Friday afternoon but it has been rescheduled to Monday afternoon at 1:45p. Each class will perform a song that Mr. Doswell has practiced with them during the month of October. We hope you will join us if your schedule allows!
The Core Leaders asked the teachers for websites that they like to use in their classrooms or that they’d like their students to use. Here are their favorites. Have fun! The Primary Grades (K-4): www.spellingcity.com www.sheppardsoftware.com www.starfall.com www.learninggamesforkids.com Middle School (5-8): www.freerice.com www.catholic.org/saints/funfactsarch.php www.freepoverty.com www.kongregate/genghiskhangame.com www.icivics.com www.pbs.org/benfranklin.com All Grades: www.spellingcity.com www.learninggamesforkids.com www.freerice.com www.zingylearning.com
Dear Parents, October 24, 2011 This week, our reading strategy is “predict/infer”. Before reading a story, we look at the cover, the title and the pictures and make educated guesses (or predictions) on what the story will be about. While reading, we use information learned to conclude (or infer) if our prediction is correct or […]
Fans of Sacred Heart School Volleyball: On Tuesday, October 25, we had a game against Our Lady of Assumption. Unfortunately we lost, but we’ve improved so much. Then on Thursday, October 20 we played against St. Augustine. In the end, we came out as winners! Our next game is Thursday, October 27 at St. Sebastian. […]
Mr. Doswell has been working with all of the classes preparing for Friday afternoon’s Music Assembly at 1p. All day Monday & Wednesday, rehearsals went very well and we expect great performances from all of the grades. If your schedule allows you to attend, it is sure to be entertaining!
All books are to be read at home. The reports will be written during class time. Please assist your child in managing his or her reading time so the book is completed on time. It is important that students do not wait too late to begin the book! If they rush the reading, their comprehension […]
After we return from Mass on Friday morning, eight grade students will apply Halloween tattoos to the hands of all students who purchase one for $1 each. All money raised will go to The Archdiocese of Los Angeles Adopt-a-Family Program. Please remember that all students may enjoy free dress on Friday as well!
Dear Second Grade Families, Thank you to all who participated in “Hats Off for Cancer”. Our class was able to donate 28 hats. We have a full week ahead of us with lots of learning. This is our academic overview for this week. Reading: We will be reading Around the Pond: Who’s Been Here? We […]