Hell0 there Sacred Heart football fans. We have the latest scoop on our football team. So far we have had three games: a win, a loss, and our last game was cancelled. Our win was against St. Mary Magdalen and the score was 24-14, victory for the Cardinals. Our second game was against our bitter […]
Dear Families, We have a busy week ahead of us. This Wednesday is Free Dress Day for a $1.00 donation. Students are to wear pink or blue for cancer awareness. Friday is a noon dismissal. Our Friday mass will be honoring Mrs. Dwyer on her last day at S.H.S. Below is an overview of our […]
Dear Second Grade Families, FLAT PEOPLE UPDATE: The Flat People are just about ready to go! Photographs have been taken. Letters of introduction need to be written and envelopes addressed and stamped. Please reassure your child’s host that they will be receiving mail soon. Stay tuned! SAINTS: Saint selection was done on Friday, lottery style. […]
Dear Third Grade Families, Wow! We’re already in mid-October! This week, as always, is a busy one. Wednesday is a free dress day. Please remember to bring $1 for charity if our child plans to participate. The theme is powder blue and pink in the spirit of cancer awareness. Also, we are still collecting new […]
Dear Parents, October 10, 2011 This week in language arts we will be reading about Christopher Columbus and making a project to accompany our story. This week, our reading strategy is “summarize”. After we have finished reading a story we should be able to retell the story in just a few sentences. The comprehension skill […]
This week we are saying goodbye to Kona, Stumpy, and our Gooseberry Park friends. I know the students have enjoyed the novel and now it is time to move on to our second book, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. The chapter 2 math test will be Wednesday. We have been reviewing in class and […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Happy Monday! A busy week this will be: Wednesday is a free dress for cancer–wear blue or pink please bring in a $1.oo donation. A special school Mass for Mrs. Dwyer Primary Centers after Mass Noon dismissal As I have mentioned, please be thinking of whom your child will represent for the […]
Dear Parents, By now the news has spread that Mrs. Manning is moving to eighth grade and I will be the first grade teacher! It is with great excitement that I begin this position! As mentioned in previous introductions, I am an alumna of Loyola Marymount University. I graduated as a member of the University […]
From the start of September we have been selling water for a dollar on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The money is going to the Adopt-a-Family program in Los Angeles. Last month we made a total of $68.25. Thank you so much for your support and don’t forget to get your pumpkins on October 7th. Anna
Yesterday the school’s volleyball team had a game against the St. Sebastian Saints. It was a great game and we won by two points in the last game. Everyone was very proud and we’re all excited for our next game at Holy Cross tomorrow. We hope many of you can come. Gabby