Dear Third Grade Families, This week in your school work packet you will find your child’s Trimester 2 Report Card. Please take a moment to review this with your child. Then, sign the bottom as well as the envelope and return it to school in the Tuesday School Work folder. Of course, if you have […]
Our field trip to Santa Ynez Mission and the Carriage House Museum are the big news of this week!! We leave at 8:00 Wednesday morning and will be gone until the end of our school day. Please pack your child a lunch because we are having a picnic at a local park in Santa Ynez. […]
Last week we talked about the Last Super and the offering of bread and wine, to be turned into the body and blood of Jesus. This was the first time men had received Holy Communion. Jesus had not yet died, so the slaying of the perfect Victim was not yet complete. Jesus left the supper room and began […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Report cards will go home this Tuesday. Please keep the report card and sign and return the envelope. During the season of Lent we will be having Stations of the Cross once a week. This week will be on Wednesday at 2 pm. Please join us if […]
Students in grades one through eight participated online in World Math Day, which was March 2nd. We are pleased to report that our 206 students contributed a grand total of 38,728 correct answers during this one-day event! Well done, SHS!
One of the eighth grade projects is to compile a binder which contains evidence of progress towards achievement of the School Learning Expectations. It is time for a check of these binders for the second trimester; they are due on Tuesday, March 15th.
March 14, 2011 As we continue to prepare and be ready for First Reconciliation, you can help your child by reviewing the vocabulary and procedure for this sacrament. Each child should have a blue sheet of paper with this information. Please keep this at home as I will give each one a ‘’school” copy. We […]
Dear Second Grade Families, Spelling Activities and Book Orders are due today. ST. PATRICK’S DAY is this Thursday. Your child can wear green “accessories” with the uniform bottom. Everyone is Irish on this day! Please reinforce the “no pinching policy” with your child! A QUICK LOOK OF EVENTS IN THE CLASSROOM… ******STUDENT OF THE WEEK….Ani****** […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Primary Centers was fun on Friday, all the little leprechauns enjoyed being in character as they worked on March crafts. Thank you parents/grandparents/and friends for all your help, we sure appreciate it. During Lent, we attend Stations of the Cross on Wednesdays at 2:00, if you can come a little early, please […]
Friday’s meeting continued our Science in-depth efforts as we completed two of three tasks identifying accomplishments & goals in the areas of standards and instruction. Our third task continues as we analyze assessment tools. When the three tasks are complete we will create a final list of goals and an action plan to accomplish these […]