Sacred Heart School is once again selling beautiful, fragrant handcrafted wreaths for your home and gift giving. Christmas Forest offers a wide variety of wreaths, garlands and swags that can be mailed directly to your gift recipient on the date you choose! 1) Log onto to browse their large selection of fresh wreaths, garlands, […]
I was hoping that by tomorrow I would have all of the field trip permission slips and checks for our seventh grade trip to the Long Beach Aquarium on November 8th. Please send them in with your child tomorrow. We are looking forward to spending the night at the aquarium and hope everyone will be able […]
The fifth grade had a very busy day. We started this morning off with a lesson with Miss Reed. We enjoyed learning all about pears with Mrs. Hoffman! We were in the science lab learning how to take our pulse at rest and after moving around for one minute. We are finishing this day now […]
A Halloween tradition continues this Friday at Sacred Heart School as our 8th grade students apply 1 or 2 temporary Halloween-themed tattoos for all students willing to pay $1 for each. All money raised will be added to the donation sent to the Adopt-a-Family Program of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles when Monsignor Terry Fleming […]
On Tuesday afternoon, a make-up game against St. Sebastian School was scheduled following the weather delays earlier in the season. Both teams were assembled on the field and warming up when it was discovered that referees were not arranged for the game. After a quick meeting among the coaches and our Athletic Director, Mrs. Petersen, […]
Dear Families, It was wonderful to see so many students and families this weekend at the Fiesta. Everyone seemed to have a great time. Please check your child’s homework and planner every night. It is very important that your students remember to return their homework to school. Please encourage your child to complete three Accelerated […]
Did you purchase “Chicago For Ribs” plastic gift cards from us earlier this year? If so and you have not used your gift card, please see this week’s scrip newsletter for important information on exchanging the plastic cards for more current paper certificates. The deadline for the exchange is December 16th.
What a wonderful day! Thank you to everyone who participated! A special thanks to Marissa Garcia-Arguelles, The Fiesta Chairperson, for leading the Fiesta Committee throughout the summer and fall to create a day of fun and fundraising for our school and parish. Raffle Winners 1st prize $1500 Renata Rzasa (K) 2nd prize $500 Luis De […]
Held at the Balboa Middle School Gym this year on Saturday, November 13th, this clinic is a great start to the basketball season for players in grades 3-9 and all proceeds will benefit the Scholarship Fund created by the Palmisano Family. After the first of the year, we will begin our annual writing contest for […]
Dear Parents, Thank you to all who were able to help with Primary Centers. Even with the change in scheduling, we were able to complete the three rotations because of your help!! We are starting theme 3 – “Let’s Look Around” this week in our reading series. The stories in this theme follow a different […]