Sixth and Eighth graders have completed their first virtual lab! We’ve been reviewing the scientific method- making observations, using our background knowledge and new concepts to make a hypothesis and put it to the test. Sixth graders used erosion as the topic and made models using sugar. We “eroded” different shapes and recorded what we […]
Today October 2, we celebrate our Guardian Angels. According to our YOUCAT # 54 angels are pure spiritual creatures of God who have understanding and will. In class we talked about the protection they offer us throughout our life. Especially in these challenging times we are indeed appreciative of our Guardian Angels!
While we continue off campus instruction, all Noon Dismissal days begin with Morning Prayer. This Friday our focus remains on The Rosary with our attention turned to The Luminous Mysteries. Family members are welcome to join if your schedule allows as we gather in the Assembly Meeting Room. When Morning Prayer concludes, students will join […]
Welcome to our first third grade newsletter of the year! As a reminder, our newsletters will be posted weekly; highlighting on our academic plans for the week, important dates/information, and homework! Important Dates Tuesday, September 29th- homework begins! Friday, October 2nd: Prayer Assembly Service at 8:15a and a 12:00p dismissal. Homework: (due next Tuesday)please see […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are wrapping up Unit 1. We will be taking our test on Tuesday. On Wednesday we will continue with Unit 2 and recognizing that numbers have many names! ELA: -Writing: We beginning our virtual writing lessons this week. -Reading: Our Reading Response Journals are due once a week on […]
Kindergarten Families, Your children are having a great time learning virtually. We have celebrated birthdays and spent time getting to know each other. We had fun showing our pets, favorite toys or stuffed animals. Academically we have learned how much God loves us, spent time in music class, motor skills, and art. Did I forget […]
Friday, September 25, is our first Noon Dismissal of this school year. On Noon Dismissal Fridays, we begin with Morning Prayer at 8:15-8:45a. Please start the school day at the Assembly Meeting Room noted by the teachers; as the Prayer Service ends, all students will join their teachers to continue the morning instruction.
The 7th grade class reviewed the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the Rise of the Eastern Roman Empire in Constantinople. We have explored how Christianity spread, the different barbarian tribes, and the hustle and bustle life in Constantinople during the early centuries. Our next adventure is to the Middle East!🐪
I hope all enjoyed the weekend! Here is our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working from Unit 1: Naming and Constructing Geometric Figures. This week we are focusing on reviewing polygons, constructing circles, and reviewing for our first math test which we aim to take early next week! ELA: -Writing: We are going to […]
Our last Back to School Night in this year’s series of meetings takes place on Wednesday, September 23 at 6:30p as our Primary Grade teachers meet with family members of the Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade to describe the plans and expectations of this first trimester. Family members may join the teachers at the same […]