In a constant effort to maintain safety, we encourage all to enter, move through, and exit the parking lot slowly.  Those selecting the car line, add to safety & efficiency by moving as far forward as possible before stopping to allow students(s) to exit or enter the car.  Arriving students have three corridors to the patio and departing vehicles may pull out of the line when ready in the morning and afternoon.

There is No Parking in the first section of spaces facing school at the start or end of the school day.

When not using the car line, please park and walk from the lots surrounding the rectory. Remember, no student may be dropped off or picked up in the rectory lots but must be escorted to and from by the driver.   School families may park with SHS staff in the 2nd & 3rd sections or in the row facing church (except those marked for parish employees).  Again with the driver as escort, all cross & walk behind church and move into school at the rectory corner.  With limited spaces facing church and the need to get into the flow of traffic from those spaces, those who like to walk with their student(s) will find the rectory lots more efficient.
