Hello Second Grade Families,

Our first progress reports of the year go home this Tuesday. Please take a moment to review this before signing and returning it in the blue School Work folder.

This week in class…

Math: We continue to make our way through Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction Facts. In class, we will make triangular addition/subtraction fact family flash cards, learn all about turn-around facts, doubles facts and the +9 shortcut.

For IXL homework this week, please complete the following skills:

E.19 Addition sentence: which is true?

F.8 Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number up to 18.

M.6 Place value – up to hundreds

Word Work: This week’s words can be found at spellingcity.com. Our next spelling test is scheduled for Friday.

Reading: The class will focus on decoding tricky words with a focus on beginnings/ending (prefixes and suffixes) that can be read in a snap, the middle (vowel teams) and strategies for figuring out brand-new words, too.

Writing: We will learn how writers plan for writing telling, sketching and then finally writing. After that, we will spend some time discussing how to use pictures to add on.

Science: This week we begin our second unit, this one on plant adaptations. We will explore how the koa tree traveled half way around the world.

Religion: On Friday, we will select our saints for this years Saints Parade. Be sure to have your top three picks jotted down in the planner before then (that way you have a plan B…and C).

Have a great week,

Ms. Espinosa
