I hope you liked your Mother’s Day fingerprint flowers! Your child was so proud of their work which they created and wrapped especially for you.
Reading: We are learning about the author’s craft and how they use words for readers to create clear pictures of what is happening in their books.
Phonics: We are starting our new unit: Word Collectors. We are learning how to expand our vocabulary and how to use context clues to help us understand the meaning of new vocabulary words.
Spelling: Please check your child’s planner for their new sort. Some students may work on a sort for two weeks. Spelling tests will be on Monday.
Math: We are learning how to graph data and find the median (middle number) in a set of data. We will be taking the Unit 7 Assessment on Thursday.
Writing: We continue writing opinion letters about our favorite books.
Religion: We are learning how Mary, the Mother of the Church, loves and care for us and how we should be like Mary.
Social Studies: We are learning about food production and consumption long ago and today.
Science: We are going to learn why plastic was invented.
Art: Art with Miss Sofer every Wednesday!
Tuesday, May 10 – Homework due and Third Trimester Progress Reports go home in Red Family Envelope
Wednesday, May 11 – “Free” free dress and Spring Pictures Day
Thursday, May 12 – Library books due
Friday, May 6 – In-N-Out on campus and 2:00 p.m. dismissal
Fluency: Please read the fluency passage and answer the questions on the back. This should be completed over the course of 4 days.
Reading: Choose a minimum of 5 activities from the Reading Choice Board and complete the Book Review. You should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes daily with the goal of 100 minutes read weekly. During these last weeks of second grade, challenge yourself to read 25-30 minutes daily.
Math IXL: E.21, E.23, and E.25
If you have any questions, please send me an email. Your continued assistance and support are greatly appreciated.
With much gratitude,
Mrs. Rzasa