This week marks the beginning of the ITBS testing or Iowa Test of Basic Skills. Second Grade is the first grade level where we begin the ITBS testing. We will have about 9 days to complete the entire test. Our testing period for each day will be from 8:15-10:00. There are a few things you can do to make this testing period successful for your child.
- Good Night’s sleep!
- Healthy Breakfast!
- Getting to school on time!
I thank you in advance for your help in making this testing period successful.
Events this Week:
Monday-Thursday: ITBS Testing
Wednesday: Free Dress $1.00 for Adopt-A-Family & Parent Meeting at 6:30
Friday: Primary Centers & Noon Dismissal
Spelling Homework: This week you will find workbook pages in your child’s homework folder to help study and practice their spelling words. They may also practice their spelling words on spelling city with games or worksheets. Our spelling test is on Thursday.
Flat Stanley: As you may know, we have started our Flat Person with our 7th Grade Buddies. Many of the children have started designing their clothes, added facial features and/or coloring. Their flat person will be sent home on Wednesday to be finished. There will be an attached letter to it explaining what needs to be done prior to returning it before or on Monday, September 24th. A reminder, all Flat Person Host information should have been turned in last Friday. Please let me know if you are having a difficult time finding a host.
Our academic week includes:
Language Arts: Reading for comprehension and fluency; long vowels, sentence punctuation and writing. We are finishing our story, Julius and begin, Mrs. Brown Went to Town. We will continue reviewing, synonyms, homophones, compound words, nouns and naming yourself last. We will also finish reading Flat Stanley this week.
Math: Strategies for subtraction: counting back to subtract, using addition to subtract, and lots of practice for subtracting from number to 20. Please help your child with life skills of identifying and counting money and telling time on an analog clock.
Religion: We will begin discussing, Baptism. As part of this lesson, your child will receive a paper candle to decorate and write their name, date of Baptism and the church. The decorated candle will be due on or before Monday. If your child is not baptized or of another Christian faith, just color and include the name. Your child must do the writing and decorating. Beginning next week, please have your child bring in any mementoes of this important day to share with the class.
Science/Social Studies: Plant Life Cycle/map skills
Student of the Week will begin in October. Names are chosen randomly. The student will bring a letter and a poster home on Friday to be completed and returned on the following Monday.
If you have any question please send me an email or call.
Have a Wonderful Week,
Mrs. Vazquez