Week Two begins with the start time of 7:50a for the First Session; this remains the start time throughout the week.

All levels (primary, intermediate, and MS) are advancing curriculum as primary and intermediate levels stretch the first session as appropriate for each class, and MS adds 10 minutes to each class period. The latest approximate end time is 10a.

All levels start Session Two at 12:30p. For the primary & intermediate grades, online class time lasts as long as the teacher of each grade elects; MS afternoon classes remain 30 minute periods with each teacher. The latest approximate end time is 2p.

Lower and upper grade students receive & submit assignments using Seesaw and Edmodo. In different grade levels, we continue to use Spelling City, IXL, Buncee, Biblionasium and other online vehicles for student academic advancement.

We are working through the third trimester in an unexpected, but necessary way. The first full week guides and encourages; surely, the second week does the same.
