As in previous summers, all students in grades 1- 8 are to spend time during the weeks of summer on specific academic activities provided by our teachers to allow for skill retention, practice, and a quick start in August. Incoming kindergarten students will also find summer work provided by Mrs. Brown.

All students will work on assignments that may include facts practice, grammar practice, research, reading logs, writing practice, visits to specific websites, etc.

Information and necessary materials and access are being prepared, and will be posted on the website during the week of June 29 & available on the site throughout the summer.

Students in the upper grades may be aware of what some of their summer assignments are and can certainly begin those efforts in June. Students in all grades should be reading with their families or on their own each day. That is just a good habit!

We encourage families to look into online keyboarding instruction for their student(s) as well; there are many available for free or at a reasonable cost.

Happy Summer!
