Mrs. Brown & Ms Carney accompanied me to the second of four meetings to complete the accreditation process for schools scheduled for a 2014 visit. We submitted drafts for three sections (School Profile, Use of Prior Accreditation Findings, and Organization for Student Learning to Support High Achievement of All Students) and await the written evaluation. Now we turn our attention to two other sections (Assessment of the School‘s Catholic Identity, Defining the School‘s Purpose) and will develop drafts to be completed and submitted at the January meeting. Mrs. Manning & Mrs. Espinosa joined me for the first meeting last April and two other teachers will attend the January meeting.
The document used to maintain accreditation is called Improving Student Learning and each school is called to collect & examine evidence of accomplishments and then select goals for the next six-year cycle.
Family, student, staff, parish, and community input was gathered over the last few years using formal & informal surveys requiring handwritten or marked responses. Shortly, we will continue to survey, but will use survey online using Survey Monkey to simplify the process, maintain privacy, and encourage participation. More news on this coming soon!