Dear Third Grade Parents and Families,

I hope that everyone enjoyed a happy Halloween this past weekend. The students had a fantastic time in families on Friday making paper plate ghosts, as well as getting “tattooed” by the eighth grade.  And now, we have another busy week ahead of us.

Monday we will celebrate All Saints Day by attending 8:30 mass. Later in the afternoon we will read Janette Winters’ picture book Day of the Dead followed by short school-wide activity making a Remembering Chain. In this activity, we will write the names of loved ones who are no longer with us, linking them together as a chain and finally presenting them at mass Friday morning.

Monday marks the beginning of doughnut sales. Pre-orders will be taking place all week long with a planned delivery date of November 12th. Doughnuts are $1 and all proceeds will go to the Adopt-a-Family Program through the Diocese of Los Angeles.

This week we will also be collecting “left-over” Halloween candy. This candy will go to charity as well. Please feel free to send it with your child to school and we will pass it along to the office each morning.

Wednesday is Picture Day make-ups and Friday is the Saints Parade. As we are now in the “Intermediate” years, 3rd grade will not participate. Rather, this year your child gets to enjoy the presentations and parade put together by the Primary Grades. Finally, as a reminder, Friday there will be noon dismissal.

If you have not turned in your Field Trip Permission Slip and/or $21, please do so as soon as possible. Our trip is scheduled for the 17th and I’d like to collect all of these as soon as possible.

Finally, if you are looking to Service Hours I’m in need of a couple parents that are up for taking work home. One job would be laminating (here at school) and then cutting out classroom materials. I’m also looking for a parent interested in cutting construction paper for an art project that we’ll be working on later this month. Please e-mail me or one of our Room Moms if you are interested.
