I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Earth Day projects will be made today as we discuss making good environmental choices. Please read below for a number of upcoming events:
Today we will see Marla the Mermaid a hour program on marine life in the Channel Islands.
As we did last week, we will continue to recite our poems after lunch as the judging is coming soon.
Wednesday is a free dress $1.00 donation please–all proceeds benefit Holy Childhood.
Friday is the Jogathon — kindergarten will be running early, please sign and return the white envelope so your child can participate.
- Next Thursday, May 3 is an all school Mass.
- Speech contest is after Mass for K-5 students.
Friday, May 4 is a bus field trip to Ojai to hear the story tellers at Libby Bowl –permission slips coming home today. Cost $12.00 school uniforms are required, we will return before lunch.
Sarah turned six on April 6 and this week Dylan will be six on April 26. Happy Birthday to both of you!
Our academics will follow the usual pattern. Any questions or concerns please contact me.
Have a great week —
Mrs. Carol Brown