We have begun presales for Halloween tattoos, which will be distributed on Halloween. This is a fundraiser for the Adopt-a-Family program. Students may buy as many as they would like ($1 each), but may only have two applied at school. The rest will be sent home in an envelope with your child.

Please make sure that your child’s jackets and sweatshirts are labeled with their names, and please label lunch boxes as well.

Please encourage your child to not trade food with others, and to bring home any uneaten food, rather than throw it away here at school.


Religion: We finish Chapter 5 this week and begin chapter 6, which focuses on seeking forgiveness.

Math: We have moved on to Unit 3, where the main focus is multiplication and division. Students need to complete ixL Math skills B 3, B 6 and C 4 by next Monday.

Reading Workshop: We are learning how to analyze characters, seeing their complications and their struggles and how they change throughout the book. Please sign the reading log for all reading done at home. Click here for a copy of the reading log. reading-log

Reading Fluency: Students should complete fluency homework #9. This will be due next Monday.

Writer’s Workshop: This week we are beginning revisions of our stories, re-reading them with a critical eye.

Spelling: We have started Unit 8; the test will be on Friday.

Vocabulary: We begin our study of Unit 5 words. The test will be next Friday.

Grammar: We have begun Unit Two, which focuses upon nouns.

Social Studies: We have concluded our study of the four regions of California. Tomorrow students will take an essay test: they will write one paragraph about each region, telling what they have learned about each of them. They have brought home their Social Studies folders to prepare.

Science: Chapter 2 focuses upon interactions of organisms within an ecosystem.

Thanking you for your continuing support,


Mrs. Mary Dwyer


