Hello Second Grade Families!

Tomorrow is a free dress day for a very special cause. Please remember to bring $1 (or more) if you plan to participate.

As a quick reminder, school will not be in session on Friday for a teacher in-service day.

Looking forward to the week ahead…

Math: We began the week with fact families before making our way into several explorations: weights & scales, odd and even patterns & equal groups. From here through the rest of the chapter, the students will be working on name collection boxes (review), frames and arrow routines (another review) and “What’s my Rule?” (one more review). Our curriculum is spiraled so that students have repeat exposure to all content before mastery is expected. If you’d like to follow along with us and complete the Home Links, click here. Our tentative plan is to have a math text next Thursday.

For homework, please complete the following IXL Skills:

E.8 Addition input-output tables: sums to 20

F.9 Subtraction input-output tables: sums to 18

L.6 Input-output tables: write the rule

Word Work: We’re in the routine now! Since this is a short week, our test will be on Monday. See Spelling City for your child’s sort.

Reading: Students will focus on self-correcting this week as we learn strategies for figuring out new and unknown words (hint: look to the story for context clues!) as well as more ways for readers to check themselves and their reading. Then, we will make the turn into our third bend now turning our attention to craft moves authors make … and readers notice!

Writing: This week we will cruise into the third bend in our personal narrative unit, now moving toward publication. We will look to our own authors for craft moves as we revise with intention.

Science: The students continue to monitor our ongoing plant experiments (lima beans in ziplock bags, sunflower seeds which have been transplanted, and a variety of veggies in our garden). This week we will discuss the life cycle of a plant from beginning to end.

Religion: Next Monday, each student will be selecting their saint for this year’s Saints Parade!!! In the coming days, please take some time at home to discuss which saint your child would like to be. (I suggest having a back-up too, just in case your number one pick is taken.)

P.E.: There will be no PE this Thursday. Rather the students will have music, so no need to wear your PE uniform. Finally, please remember to pack water for your child every day and especially on PE days when the boys and girls are working up a sweat.

Have a great week!

Ms. Espinosa
