Dear Third Grade Families,

As always, this week promises to be a busy one.

In Reading, we’ll be working on the comprehension skill “making connections.” We know that reading is thinking and that making connections between ourselves and texts build our understanding of characters and events.

In language, we will be moving on to reference materials with a focus on dictionary skills. We will also begin the early stages of our next writing genre: the personal narrative.

For math, we will continue with multiplication turning our attention to 6s and 8s as well as solving multi-step problems. We will have our first quiz for Chapter 6 on Thursday.

Science finds us taking a closer look at the solar system, now distinguishing between inner and outer planets and their distances from the sun.

In Social Studies, we will be looking at basic needs, services and products in a community. We will also study the life and impact of Martin Luther King.

Finally, in Religion, we will wrap up Chapter 10 “God’s Plan is a Plan of Love” and take a quiz on Thursday. A Study Guide from our reading series was sent home for those students who would like to prepare.

Remember that Friday is a noon-dismissal day and that school will not be in session Monday, January 16th in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday.

Have a great week!


Mrs. Espinosa
