Hello Second Grade Families,

Brrrrrr. It’s a cold one! As you send your son or daughter off to school, now is a good time to make sure his or her name is clearly written inside (that is, if it’s not embroidered). This way everyone comes home with their jackets to use the next day.

Math: We have officially wrapped up Unit 5 and are now moving on to Unit 6: Whole Number Operations and Number Stories (word problems). If you are a family that already completes the Home Link packets, I will send one home this week. If you would like one so that you may provide additional support at home, please let me know and I’d be happy to add you to my list.

For IXL Homework this week, please complete the following skills:

U.7 Shapes of everyday objects

U.5 Identify faces of three dimensional shapes

G.13 Add three numbers, up to two digits each

Reading: In preparation for our end-of-unit celebration, we will spend this week and part of next working on our nonfiction reading shares. The students will retell topics and not just books, organizing information into sub-categories and researching across books. 

Writing & Science: This week we will embark on a new science experiment (hint: it involves building catapults!), going through the scientific process and writing & recording our thoughts, results and ideas along the way. We will also learn how to use charts and tables to present data!

Religion: We will begin Chapter 17: Jesus Invites Us!

Have a super week!

Ms. Espinosa
