Thank you to those who were able to help in Primary Centers. The children (and me too!) enjoy seeing you in our classroom and truly appreciate the help. I hope that everyone enjoyed the three-day weekend!
We are finishing theme 5 in our reading series this week and will continue with the CVCe pattern. Our reading strategy is “monitor and clarify” and our comprehension skill is cause and effect. Cause and effect relationships can be difficult for the children and it will benefit them greatly if you point out the cause and effect relationships in the stories you read. (Remember: the cause is why something happened and the effect is what happened). Our phonics focus is the long /i/ sound spelled with the CVCe pattern and our spelling words are from unit 21. We will be reviewing the soft sound of c (nice) and the soft sound of g (cage) as well as, the final endings of nd, ng, and nk and contractions. Our grammar focus is on the proper usage of I and me.
In math, we are continuing work on patterns this week, starting with counting by 2’s and 5’s. In religion we will be focusing on our feelings from our Family Life series. In social studies we will continue work on our unit “My Country, My Heroes” and in science continued work on environments.
Reminders for the week:
- Please remind your child to bring their library book to school on Tuesday so that they may check out a new one.
- Water bottle sales continue on Tuesday and Thursday. Thank you for your support!
- Wednesday is a $1 free dress day! Yay, jeans!
- Thursday is an assembly at 11am in the quad.
- Friday is full day with family activities in the afternoon!
Have a wonderful week.
~Miss. Manning