First Grade Families-

It was great to see everyone return with some great family memories to share with the class. December is upon us…we have a few weeks to continue with our academic progress and a little fun here and there.

Weekly Homework 

Homework due EVERY Tuesday.

Reading Challenge: This week we have a comprehension bingo as promised. After reading a book, have your child choose one response square from their comprehension bingo board. Have your child respond to the comprehsnion prompt vervally, or you may choose to have them record their answer on a piece of paper. Please have your child color the square that was completed. When your child has four dots in a horizontal row, they have a BINGO! They win a BIG HUG from you!

Math IXL A.21 and H.1

Fluency Homework: Daily (4 days)

Word Work: Review sounds or words. Students will take their spelling test on Monday.  Some students have passed the unit test so they may have moved up on their word sort. Some students need to review an old sort before moving on.

Sneak Peek to our Academic Week 

Word Work: Review spelling patterns from their word sort. If you would like your child to get a sort to cut at home, please send me an email. Students are writing their words in their planners every Monday beginning next week.


Word Detectives has been the highlight in our class. A few things we will learn in the next few days:

*Word Detectives (WD) notice tough words as they read and stop to solve these words right away.

*Looking closely at words to get clues, making sure they look across the WHOLE word to solve it.

*WD use all they know to solve problems. 

*WD do a S-L-O-W check

Writing/Grammar: Writing a “small moment.” Students are to write about 5-10 sentences about a “true” story. I am looking for a beginning, middle, and end to their story. We have not mastered our writing this trimester but continue to work on the skills to improve our narrative writing. 

This week we will write a letter to Santa….SHHHH! They will find out tomorrow!

Math:  We will begin our new unit on Thursday. We will work on word problems this week with lots of review in our math books.

Religion: We begin Advent this week. We will learn about Advent and preparing for Christmas.  

Art: We look forward to our art day on Wednesday.  


  • Homework due Wednesday
  • Library books are due on Tuesday. 
  • Wednesday, Free Dress! $1 or more for donations for Adopt-A-Family.
  • Friday: 12 pm Dismissal


If you have any questions, please send me an email. 


Mrs. Vazquez
