Dear Parents,                                                     September 12, 2011

It was wonderful to see so many grandparents and special friends last Friday for Grandparents Day.  We had a wonderful time working on our basic facts in math and creating a book in language arts.  Thank you, Grandparents!

In language arts this week, we will work on the consonants n, f, p, and we will keep working on short /a/.  Since we are still working on short /a/ there will not be any new spelling words this week.  Our reading strategy this week is summarizing and our comprehension skill that will help with summarizing is compare and contrast.  Paying attention to how things are the same (compare) and how things differ (contrast) in a story can help us summarize the story.  Our phonics focus this week is the sound of /n/, /f/, and /p/ as both initial and final sounds in words.  We will continue with the short /a/ and will practice blending our letter sounds together.  Our grammar focus is on uppercase letters for the beginning of sentences and for character names.

In math, we will continue working with addition to sums of 7 & 8 but now we are learning to write our number sentences vertically (like the big kids!)  We should be ready for our chapter test on Thursday.  Social studies, finds us starting a new unit – At Home With My Family.  We will learn about family needs and how families make choices.  In science, we visited multipurpose room 1 today and “planted” seeds.  We will watch them germinate (cross your fingers!) and learn about the different parts of plants.  In religion, we are learning that God is our Good Father.

Please remind your child to bring their library book to school tomorrow so that they may check out a new one.

Water bottle sales continue on Tuesday and Thursday.  Thank you for your support!

Wednesday is Picture Day!  The children are to wear their school uniform.

It is “All About… Nathan Perez” this week.  Congratulations!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.  Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Manning
