Dear Parents,                     May 18, 2015

It was so wonderful to see so many of you on Friday for our In-N-Out and Dippin’ Dots day! I hope you all enjoyed the festivities!

This week in first grade, we are learning…

Language Arts: We are continuing on with Theme 10.  Our reading strategy this week is summarizing. The comprehension skill that will help us with this is sequence of events. The ability to organize our thoughts through what happens and when in our story helps us summarize the main ideas of the story we are reading. Our phonics focus this week continues to be on r-controlled words but with a focus on ar, as in star and hard. Our grammar focus is on describing words- taste, smell, and feel.

Spelling: We will be practicing how to spell words with ar.

Math: We will be continuing Unit 10, which is all about reviewing what we have learned throughout our year together. This week, we will be reviewing geometry, number stories, and thermometers and temperature.

Religion: We will be reading from our Family Life Series this week. We will discuss how we care for ourselves and each other, how love grows, and our families.

Science: In science we are still learning about matter! This week we will discuss what happens when we mix matter and the differences between reversible and nonreversible changes within matter.

Social Studies: We are working on Unit 5: My Country, My Heroes.

Homework for the Week:

  • Monday: Math Worksheet
  • Tuesday: Skill O.7
  • Wednesday: Math Worksheet
  • Thursday: Read 2 Times

Reminders for the Week:

  • Don’t forget to return your child’s Santa Barbara Zoo permission slip!
  • PE Uniforms on Tuesday and Thursday!
  • Please remind your child to bring their library book on Tuesday so that they may check out a new one.
  • Wednesday is free dress. All money raised will be donated to Nepal earthquake relief efforts.
  • Wednesday is the Powder Puff Football Game!
  • Thursday is the end of Scrip/Service Hours for this school year.
  • We will have an assembly on Thursday.
  • No school on Friday and Monday! Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Have a great week!

Ms. Manning
