Dear Third Grade Families,

Friday is Grandparents’ Day! I look forward to sharing the morning with many grandmothers and granddads.  Grandparents are to meet us in the Church for 8:30 mass.

In class this week, we’ll be studying the following:

Math: Unit 1 Lessons 1.9-1.12. We continue to review key content. Feel free to follow along with us at Your child’s username and password can be found in his/her planner.

The Unit 1 math test will take place Wednesday, September 10th. The Everyday Math website has a Home Link for every lesson with practice problems and an explanation of key concepts. This is an excellent way to prepare.

For IXL math homework, please complete the following Third Grade skills:

A.11 Order Numbers

C.1 Add 2 Numbers up to Three Digits

D.1 Subtract 2 Numbers up to Three Digits

Note: There is no need to turn anything in. Every week, I will simply go to to and check to see that your child has completed this homework assignment. All three skills should be complete by Monday.

Spelling: Click here to download this week’s spelling words and pattern/principle. Due to the shortened week and the business of Grandparents Day, the Unit 3 spelling test will take place next Monday.

Vocabulary: We will begin Unit 2 with our next quiz on Friday 9/12th. For a list of the words, definitions and additional practice go to the vocabulary workshop site. Instructions, along with a username and password can be found taped on the inside cover of your child’s planner.

Reading: As a reminder, Thursdays are our school library days. Please remind your child to bring any books that are checked out so that they may be renewed or check back in.

This week in small group reading we begin our Unit 1 books, all by children’s author Ann Cameron!

Click here to download the Reading Log.

As a reminder, all students are to read for a minimum of 20 minutes each nigh

Like the Reading Log, it is due every Monday.

English: We will continue with Unit 1 in our Grammar books, “Sentences.” We will complete Lesson 3, “Commands and Exclamations!” Log on to the Grammar Workshop website for additional practice and skills reinforcement. Directions can be found in your child’s planner.

Science: In class, we will begin to study Chapter 6, Lesson 2 “States of Matter.”

Social Studies: We will learn all about using “Intermediate Directions” (NE, SE, SW, NW).

Religion: We will wrap up Chapter 1 with our first religion quiz next Monday. Click here for a quick Study Guide.


Mrs. Espinosa
