Congratulations to our students for receiving their First Reconciliation! This week we will continue our preparations for First Communion.
The five finalist have been chosen for the Poem Contest. Jomari, Renata, Sierra, Mia & Natalie will be presenting their poems to the judges on Tuesday.
Academic Week:
Homework: Students will be filling out their reading log , which I will send home with your child. Fluency will be part of homework this week.
RELIGION: Today, we will be attending a “slow motion” Mass with Father Bill. Our focus this week in religon will be Jesus Promised the Gift of Himself; Jesus promised Living Bread; We are invited to the Table. We will be preparing for First Holy Communion. If you have any questions regarding First Communion, please send me an email.
Reading: Just as we are preparing for and receiving, the Eucharist means taking part in a very special meal. We will be reading about three events in the Bible that involve meals. We will also begin the story, Carousel. We will focus on making judgements.
Writing: We will be working on summaries/retelling. We will also work on parts of speech (noun, verb & adjectives).
SPELLING: Unit 29, spelling pattern with -er. Spelling test will be on Thursday. Please study spelling words at home using
MATH: Adding and subtracting facts to 20; 2 digit adding and subtracting with and without regrouping; horizontal subtraction; 2 step words problems with money; fractions
SCIENCE: Reviewing magnets and beginning our unit on sound
Mrs. Vazquez