In May we will focus on Mary and pray the rosary throughout the month. In addition to praying the rosary we learn about the May altar. Your child is encouraged to bring in one flower anytime in May to honor Mary. This week we attend Mass at 8:30 on Thursday, and celebrate the Crowning of Mary. Please join us if you schedule permits.
Big event this Friday our field trip to the–Ojai Story Telling festival!
Language arts lessons continue reviewing short vowels ‘a-0’. Initial consonants sounds of /n/, /t/, /h/, /b/ and letter /x/. Using correct sentence structure as well as best printing continue with every day journal work. All stories this week from our reading series focus on noting important details. Non-fiction books are being read in class and I encourage reading more non-fiction at home. Remember — non-fiction are books that are true they are about real people, animals, things and real places or events.
Math has us reviewing time, money, and addition story problems. We are using many hands-on games to help understand these concepts.
Science – Natural resources- focus will continue with water this week.
Social studies- our national patriot symbols-your children are really enjoying learning about our country’s symbols of freedom -hope- and courage.
Friday is a full day of school!
Mrs. Carol Brown