Hello Kindergarten families!

Here is the plan for homework:

Read each night for 15 to 20 minutes. Use Reading Log to list books – remember spend time reading, asking questions about the story or facts if reading non-fiction. Have your child retell story/information, thinking about what happened in beginning, middle and end. Look for sight words included in the yellow booklet.

Reading Log

Choose one book to report on. We are familiar with this response. Your child should draw why they would recommend the book, you can help them add a few words-keeping it simple,  let them do the work!

Reading Response – I think you should read…

IXL Math

C.5 Counting using stickers up to 10

P.5 Classify and sort by color

IXL Language Arts

B.1 Choose the lowercase letter that matches

B.2 Find the lowercase letters

Spend a little time practicing in IXL – now we are in the Kindergarten skills – a bit the same at first. Good practice!

Homework is due next Thursday- please return book log and book response in Red Homework folder.

Enjoy your weekend.

Mrs. Brown

