Dear Parents, May 20, 2013 We are wrapping up Theme 10 with week 3! Our reading strategy this week is monitor/clarify. Part of becoming a good reader is realizing that if the story we are reading is unclear we must stop and clarify the story so that […]
Dear Parents, May 13, 2013 Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you all enjoyed your Mother’s Day gift and card! We are continuing on with Theme 10. Our reading strategy this week is summarizing. The comprehension skill that will help us with this is sequence of events. […]
Dear Parents, May 6, 2013 We have concluded theme 9 and are moving right into our last theme- Theme 10! Our reading strategy this week is predict/infer. The comprehension skill that will help us with this is predicting -using the text, pictures, and our own prior […]
Dear Parents, April 29, 2013 Our reading strategy this week is questioning. Reading the title, looking at the pictures and stopping to ask oneself questions, are strategies good readers use. The comprehension skill that will help us with understanding a story is compare and contrast. Understanding how events, […]
Dear Parents, April 22, 2013 Our reading strategy this week is evaluating. The comprehension skill that will help us with evaluating is story structure. Knowing the setting, the characters, the problem, and solution in the story […]
Dear Parents, April 15, 2013 It was wonderful to see some of you on Friday, for our IN-N-OUT day! I hope your hamburger was as delicious as mine! Yum! We are starting theme 9 in our reading series – Special Friends. Our reading strategy this […]
Dear Parents, April 8, 2013 I hope everyone’s Easter break was enjoyable and relaxing! I certainly enjoyed that extra cup of coffee in the mornings! We jump right back into our work on Monday beginning with our final week of theme 8 in language arts. Our […]
Dear Parents, March 18, 2013 We are starting theme 8 in our reading series – Our Earth. Our reading strategy this week is “summarizing”. The comprehension skill that will help with summarizing is categorizing or classifying. Paying attention to what is the same or different in […]
Dear Parents, March 10, 2013 Our reading strategy this week is “questioning”. Good readers question before they start reading, as well as, during reading. The comprehension skill that will help is “fantasy/realism”. Using our everyday experiences to determine if events in a story […]
Dear Parents, March 4, 2013 Thank you to all those who have brought in cereal boxes or snack boxes for our school fair project! Our reading strategy this week is “monitor and clarify”. Stopping to reread especially if there are words we have difficulty reading and […]