Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. This Wednesday we will have a free dress with all money raised going to relief for Japan. Also on Wednesday the school Talent School will be from 7pm to 8pm. The students have been working very hard. Friday will be a noon dismissal and it is […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Report cards will go home this Tuesday. Please keep the report card and sign and return the envelope. During the season of Lent we will be having Stations of the Cross once a week. This week will be on Wednesday at 2 pm. Please join us if […]
We were blessed today with a visit from Father O’Sullivan. He talked to us about the Communion of Saints and the true meaning of Lent. Father O’Sullivan also discussed how Catholics throughout history have persevered even when they were being persecuted. We look forward to another visit from Father O’Sullivan.
Today in class we read a true story about a little girl in Afghanistan. After we read the story we located Afghanistan on our new map and marked it with a push pen. We are going to continue to read stories from around the world and use our map skills to find the locations. I […]
Dear Families, I hope everyone had a restful weekend. We will be very busy in the fifth grade this week. We will be delivering the donuts from our sale on Tuesday of this week. This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday please join us for mass if you are able to. Below is an overview of our […]
The fifth grade is currently participating in World Spelling Day! They are very excited when they have the chance to play against each other. Yesterday we took part in World Math Day. It is wonderful to see the students working so well together.
Dear Fifth Grade Families, I am so proud of the class and their finished School Fair projects. Everyone did a great job. I hope to see everyone at the School Fair on Wednesday, March 2, at 6:30. Donut sales will be all this week for $1.00. Donuts will be delivered on March 8th. Tuesday we […]
Dear Families, I hope you all had a restful long weekend. We have another busy week in the fifth grade. Thursday we will have our Harvest of the Month with Mrs. Hoffman. She is going to tell us all about sweet potatoes. This Friday is a noon dismissal for a faculty meeting. Next Wednesday is […]
The fifth grade had a wonderful time today on our field trip. We saw the Mammal and Bird exhibits. The students spoke with the docents and participated in activities. We all enjoyed the Space Lab. In the museum store I was told how nice and respectful my class was. I’m so proud of them!
Dear Families, Happy Valentine’s Day! I wanted to thank everyone for all the wonderful Valentine gifts. It was so very thoughtful. This is going to be a very busy and fun week for the fifth grade class. This Wednesday we will be going on our field trip to the Santa Barbara Museum with the third […]