Dear Kindergarten Families, During Lent we are learning several ways to pray. I have been using audio tracks to help us get started in prayer through meditation. We begin or end our religion time with five minutes of prayer and reflection helping us feel closer to Jesus. Click this link Give Him Five We give […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Sacred Heart School is dedicating this month to Read Across America. In class we are spending a little more time reading. At home, read books, comics, headings in the newspaper, magazines, recipes, road signs, etc. Homework will consist of our normal 15-20 minutes of reading. After that find an extra 5 minutes […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Here we are in March-oh the things that will be happening this week! You must have noticed, in honor of Dr. Seuss we are celebrating READ ACROSS AMERICA . For homework please read an additional 5 to 10 minutes record extra book(s) Click here for form Please return this hat (form) with […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This will be a busy week! Much to do as we prepare our hearts for love, forgiveness and prayer. Christian life and scripture leads us to Matthew 18:35; where Jesus says, “forgive others from your heart.” On Thursday we will attend the Stations of the Cross at 2:00. As always come join […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We enjoyed hearing the animal comparisons from last week’s research paper. These papers will be a nice addition to our school fair. Required homework for this coming week include: reading nightly, sight word search and ‘it’ family coloring page. Spend sometime on the math websites to reinforce our concepts this week. Reading […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, We had a nice Valentine’s Day celebration in class on Friday. Thank you and your children for the Valentine cards, chocolates, hugs, sweet treats and tea, flowers, pens, and even a stuffed animal! 🙂 AND I hope all enjoyed the extra day this weekend to celebrate all our Presidents. We will […]
Dear Kindergarten Parents, Required homework for this coming week: Go to the World Book Web online and compare two animals. Click here for World of Animals 1. Choose an animal 2. Click button “compare” animals 3. Choose second animal 4. Click on “compare now!” Compare animal facts – fill out research paper, click below Comparing […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, This will prove to be an exciting week! Academically we will be busy as always and have the grand finale on Friday with our Valentine exchange. On Tuesday Progress Reports will come home. Please sign and return by Tuesday, February 17. Wednesday is a free dress cost $1.00 for the Make – […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Enjoy working on Valentine cards for next Friday! Read nightly – find a good book to write about…work with numbers and clues… 1. Reading Log 2. Story Map Everyday Math – our week included Section 5 Activities 4 – 6 Math paper: 3. Guess My Number Websites: EM 5.4 play Monster Squeeze […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, As we begin a new week and month, on Monday we start our day with an outreach program about ladybugs and other insects. Your children enjoyed reading their animal facts reports in class. Next will be comparing that animal to another. February birthdays include Douglas, Giselle, and Jeremiah. Our faith lessons concentrate […]