Third grade families, A lot ahead of us before the long weekend! A few exciting things Our class has filled up our pom-pom jar! That means we have earned a reward! The class has asked to read…camping style! On Thursday, please send your child to school with a flashlight & small blanket( if they’d like). […]
Dearest Second Grade Families, It’s already February! This week, we will be busy as ever on the following: Math: We will continue to make our way through Unit 5 with this week’s focus largely being on the vocabulary and features of three 3D figures. We will learn all about edges, vertices, faces, bases and apexes. […]
Third grade families, Happy February! Our days together are flying by as we continue to work hard and learn everyday! Important dates Wednesday, Feb 5th– $1 free dress day for Australian fire relief efforts Friday, Feb 7th– full day Friday & used uniform sale at 2p! Homework this week IXL math: CC.6, CC.10, J.4 Fluency 100 min reading/READO […]
Third grade families, It was wonderful seeing so many of you at Parent’s Day! Thank you for joining us for a fun morning! Important Dates- Catholic Schools Week! Tuesday, Jan 28th– staff appreciation day Wednesday, Jan 29th-student appreciation day & free, free dress! Mrs. Benner will treat all students to a hamburger lunch. If your […]
Third grade families, I hope you all had a restful weekend! I look forward to seeing you all this week for Parent’s Day! Important dates- Friday, January 24th– noon dismissal & Parent’s Day. We will meet you in church at 8:30a! Sunday, January 26th– Open House, from 12-2p. Please invite any prospective families to come […]
Hello Second Grade Families, It was a pleasure getting to chat with each of you over this last week. Thank you for taking the time to meet, discuss and plan. Your steadfast commitment to your child’s education is to be admired. In class this week, we’ll be working on the following: Math: We will finish […]
Third grade families, We are back in our routine! It was nice talking with you all last week. I am so proud of the progress all students have made so far! A few important dates- Friday, January 17th– noon dismissal Monday, January 20th– NO school, Martin Luther King Jr. Day Friday, January 24th– noon dismissal […]
Third grade families, Happy New Year!! I hope you all had a wonderful and restful Christmas break. It was great seeing so many smiling faces! I look forward to talking with you all this week! 🙂 A few important dates: January 8th, 9th, and 10th– parent-teacher conferences & 11:30 AM dismissal. Please refer to the conference schedule sent […]
Happy New Year! What a pleasure it was to see so many happy, rested second grade faces bright and early yesterday morning. I hope that everyone had a chance to play, sleep and maybe even enjoy to book or two over the long break. Math: In class this week we’ll pick up where we left […]
Third grade families, With Christmas fast approaching, we will spend this week tying up loose ends and reviewing concepts across all subject areas! NO homework during the break. Cozying up with a good book is a great idea! Important Dates: Thursday, December 19th half day & free (free) dress day! Friday, December 20th NO school & the […]