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Browsing Articles Written by

Miss Poindexter

Weekly Newsletter 5/5

3rd Grade By March 5, 2012 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Families, We had a blast celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday Friday afternoon. Our class did a fantastic job in the science lab making oobleck and we look forward to returning very soon. Mark your calendars for Wednesday night’s School Fair from 6:30-8:00 in Biedermann Hall. Our class solar system projects will be on […]


weekly newsletter 2/27

3rd Grade By February 27, 2012 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Families, With the School Fair rapidly approaching, this week we will not have reading homework. Instead, I would like students to use this time to put the finishing touches on their solar system projects, which are due in class on Monday, March 5th. The students have told me all about how hard […]


Weekly Newsletter 2/21

3rd Grade By February 22, 2012 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Families, Our Valentine’s Day class party was a hit. Thank you to our fabulous room parents for putting together our “red fruit” treats. We had a blast at the Santa Barbara Natural History Museum’s planetarium last Thursday. Thank you to all the parents who packed a “no trash” lunch. The museum staff […]


Weekly Newsletter (Valentine’s Day & Field Trip info. included)

3rd Grade By February 12, 2012 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Families, Happy Valentine’s Day! Our class mailboxes were decorated Friday afternoon and are absolutely adorable. Now, we’re ready to fill them up with cards from friends. On Tuesday we will celebrate with a variety of Valentine’s Day themed activities culminating in our class party. Thank you in advance to the room moms […]


Weekly Newsletter 2/6

3rd Grade By February 6, 2012 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Families, I hope that everyone enjoyed Catholic Schools Week. Everything from Parent’s Day to our mini field day on Friday went off without a hitch. A big THANK YOU goes out to all those parents who participated in one way or another, from setting up our fantastic lunch on staff appreciation day […]


Weekly Newsletter 1/30

3rd Grade By January 30, 2012 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Families, It was a pleasure seeing so many parents here Friday morning. What a great way to kick off Catholic Schools Week! This week we have many activities and happenings including Teacher Appreciation Day (Tues.), Student Appreciation Day (Wed.) & Parish Appreciation Day (Thurs.) followed by a mini field day on Friday […]


1/17 weekly newsletter!

3rd Grade By January 17, 2012 No Comments

Dear third grade families, Third grade will be back at it bright and early Tuesday morning as we continue to work on multiplication in math. We plan to complete Chapter 6 next week and then swiftly move on to division. In language arts, we will finish learning our cursive letters. This week, you will notice […]


weekly newsletter 1/9/12

3rd Grade By January 9, 2012 No Comments

Dear Third Grade Families, As always, this week promises to be a busy one. In Reading, we’ll be working on the comprehension skill “making connections.” We know that reading is thinking and that making connections between ourselves and texts build our understanding of characters and events. In language, we will be moving on to reference […]
