Dear Parents, October 24, 2011 This week, our reading strategy is “predict/infer”. Before reading a story, we look at the cover, the title and the pictures and make educated guesses (or predictions) on what the story will be about. While reading, we use information learned to conclude (or infer) if our prediction is correct or […]
Dear Parents, October 10, 2011 This week in language arts we will be reading about Christopher Columbus and making a project to accompany our story. This week, our reading strategy is “summarize”. After we have finished reading a story we should be able to retell the story in just a few sentences. The comprehension skill […]
Dear Parents, By now the news has spread that Mrs. Manning is moving to eighth grade and I will be the first grade teacher! It is with great excitement that I begin this position! As mentioned in previous introductions, I am an alumna of Loyola Marymount University. I graduated as a member of the University […]
Dear Parents, October 3, 2011 It has been a great year so far! I would like to thank you for sharing your children with me – I have enjoyed getting to know them, spending time learning and playing together. Our eighth grade teacher, Mrs. Dwyer, is relocating to Rio de Janeiro and I will be […]
Dear Parents, October 3, 2011 Our reading strategy this week is “monitor and clarify”. If we have difficulty understanding the story as we read, we stop and go back to reread the sections that were confusing. We also use key words or the pictures to help the story become clear to us. Our comprehension skill […]
Dear Parents, September 26, 2011 I would like to thank the parents that were able to make it to Wednesday’s Parent Meeting. I hope that you found it informative. We have completed theme 1 in our reading series. We start theme 2 – “Surprise!” this week. We will be reading stories that have a surprise […]
Dear Parents, September 19, 2011 Our reading strategy this week is evaluation and our comprehension skill that will help with evaluating a story is cause and effect. Paying attention to what causes something to happen can help us understand the story and evaluate whether we enjoyed the story or not and why. Please practice this […]
Dear Parents, September 12, 2011 It was wonderful to see so many grandparents and special friends last Friday for Grandparents Day. We had a wonderful time working on our basic facts in math and creating a book in language arts. Thank you, Grandparents! In language arts this week, we will work on the consonants n, […]
Dear Parents, September 6, 2011 I hope that you enjoyed the wonderful Labor Day weekend! It was wonderful seeing so many of you at Back-to-School Night and at our first Primary Centers. Thank you to all who were able to help – we could not do it without you! In language arts this week, we […]
Dear Parents, August 29, 2011 We had a wonderful first full week back to school! The children are learning the routine of first grade and are doing a wonderful job. I am very proud of them! I would also like to remind you that Back-to-School Night is Wednesday and I look forward to you visiting […]