Hello Second Grade Families, Thank you to all who came out for the School Fair last week. Our artists were very proud of all the work we’ve done! Individual portfolios will sent home in the coming weeks. In class this week, we will working on the following… Math: The students will continue with Unit 6, […]
Hello Second Grade Families, I hope everyone enjoyed President’s Day weekend! Although this is a short week, it is a particularly busy one. In addition to the School Fair, we begin several new units and get some dates on upcoming field trips. Math: This week we begin Unit 6: Whole Number Operations and Number Stories. […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Happy (almost) Valentine’s Day! We will be celebrating Friday’s holiday with a Valentine exchange here in class. Please check your e-mail for more specific instructions. Tuesday afternoon, the students will be taking home their Progress Reports. Please remember to sign and return these with your child’s School Work folder. Math: This […]
Dearest Second Grade Families, It’s already February! This week, we will be busy as ever on the following: Math: We will continue to make our way through Unit 5 with this week’s focus largely being on the vocabulary and features of three 3D figures. We will learn all about edges, vertices, faces, bases and apexes. […]
Hello Second Grade Families, Happy 100th Day! I look forward to seeing everyone Friday morning for Parent’s Day! Our class will be working together on an art project. Plan to meet us in the church for 8:30 mass so that we may begin the day together. Math: The first half of this week was devoted […]
Hello Second Grade Families, It was a pleasure getting to chat with each of you over this last week. Thank you for taking the time to meet, discuss and plan. Your steadfast commitment to your child’s education is to be admired. In class this week, we’ll be working on the following: Math: We will finish […]
Happy New Year! What a pleasure it was to see so many happy, rested second grade faces bright and early yesterday morning. I hope that everyone had a chance to play, sleep and maybe even enjoy to book or two over the long break. Math: In class this week we’ll pick up where we left […]
The primary children enjoyed creating Christmas crafts on Friday. Each primary class has a holiday related project. Look at their sample of angels, reindeer, and painted Christmas trees. Thank you parents, family, and friends who were able to help us!!
Hello Second Grade families, This week marks week two of our annual holiday food drive. If you haven’t done so already, please take a moment to fill up that paper bag sent home last week and drop it off in one of the red bins outside of school. All donations will go directly to hungry […]
The Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade students continue their preparation for this year’s Christmas Program, “A Very Sacred Heart Christmas Tale” that will be performed on Wednesday, December 18th, in Biedermann Hall. Doors open at 5:30p and the presentation begins promptly at 6p. Merry Christmas!