This week we are learning about the Ten Commandments and why God gave these rules for us to follow. Today we were able to continue our work on a big religion project related to these commandments. Here is a sneak peek!
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working on Unit 2! This week we look at two methods to solve multi-digits! ELA: -Writing: We are continuing with our writing. We are working hard to find a lead for our stories that capture the attention of our readers. -Reading: We are continuing with our reading lessons. […]
This week we are discussing the ways to worship God. We took some time today to make a promise to ourselves and to God to worship God from our hearts. After we wrote our promises, we took extra time to beautifully color our promises. Our promises to our Almighty Father are based in love.
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working on Unit 2! This week we look at data collection. ELA: -Writing: We are continuing with our writing. We are working hard to develop our characters. -Reading: We are continuing with our reading lessons. Remember to keep up with our Reading Response Journals! If you have any […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are beginning Unit 2! This week we are looking at place value. ELA: -Writing: We are continuing with our writing lessons as we create our story arcs and begin to write our first drafts. -Reading: We are continuing with our reading lessons. Remember to keep up with our Reading Response […]
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are wrapping up Unit 1-we will take our test on Wednesday! ELA: -Writing: We are continuing our realistic fiction writing by thinking about our character struggles. -Reading: We are continuing our reading lessons as we read intensely to grow ideas . Remember to keep up with our Reading Response […]
We are wrapping up our first unit in our religion books. We have been discussing how we see God in the world around us – through creation, scriptures, Jesus, and in church. When God speaks to us he offers us eternal life. The “Key” to salvation is Jesus.
Our week in 4thgrade… Math: We are working on Unit 1: Naming and Constructing Geometric Figures. This week we are working on parallelograms, polygons and constructing circles. We hope to take our first unit test next week. ELA: -Writing: We are working on our realistic fiction writing this week. We are gathering ideas and hope to […]
Several times a year, students take Common Core standardized tests, STAR Testing, to measure progress during the school year. Normally the test is taken three times during the year, but the pandemic prevented that occurrence since March of 2020. During the last two years, upper grade students worked on STAR Testing at least twice, but […]
As we begin this last week of school, we look back on a wonderful year, full of much learning and many accomplishments. We have worked hard, and we are ready for the summer break! There is no homework this week! Tomorrow, Tuesday, is a free dress day; students will participate in Field Day with their […]