On Thursday the fourth graders participated in the RAYS science program presented by the Discovery Center. The book Stone Soup introduced the lesson. Using the scientific method, our young scientists first observed the properties of three powders and then made mixtures with each of the powders using water. Finally, they were challenged to “engineer” a mixture, […]
Everyone did very well memorizing their poems, and we enjoyed listening to all of them! Tomorrow our five speech contest finalists (Sergio, Grace, Roman, Mariah and Emma) will be reciting their poems in front of the judges, competing against the fifth graders! This Wednesday is the Intermediate Grades Musical program at 6:30 p.m. I hope […]
We begin speech presentations this week; all students will be reciting the poems they have chosen to memorize. We are also preparing for our musical program next Wednesday evening, which means practicing at home and bringing recorders on Mondays and Wednesdays. This Friday is a half-day. Reminder: Please sign and return your child’s progress report […]
I hope that everyone enjoyed the Easter break. This week we have P.E. on Monday and Tuesday; Music classes will be on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday we will have the Read Across America drawing; students earn a ticket for every book they have read, so I will check reading logs once again on Friday […]
On Sunday Father Al announced that Father Carlos will be leaving our parish, and this will happen while we are on Easter break. We will have a free dress this Wednesday, and as a token of our regard for him, the proceeds will be given to Father Carlos. We encourage your generosity. Progress reports will […]
Today begins the third trimester. I will be sending home student work packets tomorrow, and progress reports will be going home next Tuesday. We continue to celebrate Read Across America; starting today and during the coming month students can earn a ticket for each book they read. These tickets will be entered into a drawing […]
School Fair is this Wednesday! Students should bring their models and scrapbooks to the parish center when they arrive on Wednesday morning. I hope everyone will be able to come to the School Fair at 6 p.m. and enjoy the work by all of the classes. We will be going to Stations of the Cross […]
I was very proud of our students last week when we went on our field trip to the Olivas Adobe; the docents are always happy to see students from Sacred Heart School. We had a wonderful time and learned so much about life during the rancho period. We will be going to Stations of the […]
This Wednesday is a free dress day ($1 donation). We will be going to Olivas Adobe on Thursday, March 1st. Students should wear school sweatshirts or jackets, as we will be outside the entire morning. If possible, send your child to school with an old towel. Please return the permission form and payment by Wednesday. […]
In fourth grade we are learning about earthquakes and volcanoes, and how they change the surface of the earth. Today we made models of volcanoes, and the results were EXPLOSIVE! Here are some before and after eruption photos.