I look forward to meeting with each of you for Parent Conferences this week. We have three shortened days, with early dismissal at 11:30 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We will not have P.E. on Thursday, but we will have Music on Friday. Please discuss with your child which California mission they would like to […]
Today the fourth grade class invited kindergarten to their owl pellet dissection lab. An owl pellet dissection lab is an interesting and fun way to learn about the eating habits of birds of prey— birds such as owls that eat rodents and small birds. This life science lab captured the interest of all students! Lab […]
Today we begin a food drive for the less fortunate families in our area. Students are bringing home a brown bag; please fill it with non-perishable food items and send it back to school by this Friday. Our annual Teddy Bear Day is next Monday, December 5th. We hope that all children will be able […]
We will be attending Mass with our school families on Wednesday, celebrating all that we have to be thankful for, and looking forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend spent with family and friends. May God continue to bless each and every one of us! As you begin your holiday shopping, remember that our annual Teddy […]
We have our first of two in-house field trips this Thursday; if you have not yet sent in the money for the two programs ($16) please do so. We are still collecting extra Halloween candy, which will be added to our donations of teddy bears in early December. As part of our Flag Retirement Ceremony […]
We are down to the final two weeks of the first trimester, which ends on November 18th. We are busy finishing our first units in both Reading and Writing Workshop; we are ready for another Grammar test this week and will be doing another Math Unit test before the end of the trimester. We will […]
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! We are bringing home pumpkin drawings today. In addition, be sure to check out the 4th grade haikus, posted on the website today. We will be going to Mass tomorrow in celebration of All Saints’ Day, and on Friday after Mass we will be celebrating the Saints Parade after Mass. Friday is a […]
Last week fourth graders enjoyed writing Halloween haikus, and we thought you would enjoy reading them. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! A mean evil witch Ate seven chicken nuggets Then bounded to bed. There is a clown there He has a knife in his hand He’s coming for me Halloween candy Eat it all from […]
This week we will finish our second round of STAR testing. We will be participating in the Living Rosary on Wednesday at 2 p.m., and you are most welcome to join us in church if you are able. Friday is a half-day, with Intermediate Centers after recess. We have begun presales for Halloween tattoos, which […]
We have begun presales for Halloween tattoos, which will be distributed on Halloween. This is a fundraiser for the Adopt-a-Family program. Students may buy as many as they would like ($1 each), but may only have two applied at school. The rest will be sent home in an envelope with your child. Please make sure […]