Dear Parents, As you know, this is a short week. Students will be dismissed at noon on Wednesday. If you are available, please join us for mass at 8:30 that morning. Papers will go home today. Wednesday is the last day of the first trimester. Report cards will go home Dec. 4th. I have […]
We have an exciting week ahead!! Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 13th, fourth grade will be exploring Rancho Olivas Adobe in Ventura. This will be an exciting day of applying what we will learn about California’s rancho period. Students will be shown what life was like on a real adobe rancho during the 1800’s in California. We […]
I have a lot of news this week for fourth grade! Thank you to those who have returned your $22 and permission slips for our field trip to Olivas Adobe scheduled for next Tuesday, November 13th. Please send a drink and a lunch with your child that day. Please also send an old towel. You […]
Happy Halloween week to all! This week in grade four: Math: I will give the chapter three test on Tuesday. Science: We continue with the topic of food chains and food webs. Social Studies: The Valley and Desert American Indians will be studied. Reading: This week we continue our exploration of hurricanes. Students are currently […]
I hope you all enjoyed the very fall feeling weekend! I love it! This week in fourth grade we continue the study of early California Native Americans. I will give students a new vocabulary list for social studies. This is also posted on the Spelling City website. I am postponing our math test on multiplication. […]
I realized that I had neglected to remind all that the mystery book for our next book report is due this Wednesday, October 17th. I am also giving the second social studies vocabulary test this Thursday. Thank you! Mrs. Sharon Redmond
This week in grade four we continue our discussion of the earliest California natives. The students will also try their hand at basket weaving (the paper kind!) It is always a lot of fun. The children continue to write essays on a memorable vacation or family celebration. I am walking them through the steps of […]
Last Friday’s pumpkin sale was a huge hit! The children had a great time choosing pumpkins and visiting the giant turkey. I think fall is finally in the air. This week for religion we will discuss the various forms of prayer (petition, adoration, thanksgiving, and intercession.) Our focus is still multiplication during math time. The […]
Today, we began leveled math groups for grades 3, 4, and 5. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is for students to work in the level that best fits their needs. This allows all students to be challenged, but not to the point of being overwhelmed. There might be a few more math level […]
Fourth graders have been busy! The ITBS testing has gone very well and tomorrow will be our last day of tests. The books reports are completed and we are wrapping up unit one in language arts. Life science continues as we begin exploring the interactions of living things. Today, students added paint to our CA […]