Dear Families, On Tuesday Progress Reports are going home. Please sign and return by Friday. This Friday is our classroom Valentine exchange and a noon dismissal. Friday is also a “free” free dress day for Valentine’s Day. There is no school on Monday for Presidents Day. If your child is bringing Valentine’s Day cards please […]
Dear Families, Wednesday is a free dress day for a $1 or more donation. This Friday is a full day with a 2:45 dismissal. There will be a used uniform sale in the library at 2pm. Please see below on overview of our week: Math: We will practice renaming fractions as decimals and rounding decimals. […]
Dear Families, It was wonderful seeing so many families at Parent Day. This week is Catholic Schools Week. Tuesday is staff appreciation day. Wednesday is student appreciation day and free dress for students. For student appreciation we will not have any homework this week. Mrs. Benner will be providing lunch for all on Wednesday. This […]
Dear Families, I hope you enjoyed the long weekend. This is a short week for us. Friday is Parents’ Day and a noon dismissal . Please join us for Mass at 8:30. Below please see an overview of the week: Math: We are comparing and ordering fractions. Science: We are taking our chapter test on […]
Dear Families, It was a pleasure to meet with everyone at conferences last week. This Friday is a noon dismissal. There is no school on Monday January 20th for observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Below please see an overview of our week: Math: This week our focus is on mixed numbers. We will […]
Dear Families, Welcome back! I hope everyone had a peaceful Christmas. This week is conferences on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. We will have an 11:30 dismissal on each of those days. Below please see an overview of our week. Religion: The journey of the Magi. Math: This week we are reviewing fractions. Vocabulary: Unit 7 […]
Dear Families, This Thursday is a Free Dress day with no cost. Thursday is also a noon dismissal. I hope all families have a peaceful Christmas and wonderful vacation. We will resume school on January 6th. Below is an overview of our week. We will not have any IXL sections this week. Religion: We continue […]
In the Science Lab 5th grade studied the different components of blood. We then visualized the different components using candy red hots, tic tacs, candy sprinkles, and corn syrup.
Students had to design an aqueduct system with clay that would allow the water to flow from one “reservoir” to the next. After students designed their aqueduct they were able to test it by pouring water through it.
We have been focusing in 5th grade about the real meaning of Christmas and looking into our hearts to get ready for Jesus coming to us.