Welcome back and Happy New Year! Hope everyone shared a blessed Christmas Day together along with a fun, relaxing, and restful vacation time with family and friends. Short days Wednesday thru Friday this week will accommodate the conference schedule. EDC is available beginning at 11:30. Religion – the birth of Jesus and the journey of […]
The primary children enjoyed creating Christmas crafts on Friday. Each primary class has a holiday related project. Look at their sample of angels, reindeer, and painted Christmas trees. Thank you parents, family, and friends who were able to help us!!
Dear Kindergarten Families, The third week of Advent is here! We will light the Candle of Joy. We reflect and prepare our hearts with hope, peace, joy and love. Our main academic focus will be the true meaning of Christmas. Events and academics during the last week of school for 2019! Monday we will work […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, The Candle of Peace is lit for this second week of Advent. We will continue to learn about the meaning of Advent. Look for more Advent Saint ornaments coming home this week! Events this week: Monday begins our annual Food Drive – red containers will be visible near parking lot for drop […]
The Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade students continue their preparation for this year’s Christmas Program, “A Very Sacred Heart Christmas Tale” that will be performed on Wednesday, December 18th, in Biedermann Hall. Doors open at 5:30p and the presentation begins promptly at 6p. Merry Christmas!
Dear Kindergarten Families, Over the weekend and next week read a bit each night. With your child’s library book or a favorite book from home do the book response. Have your child draw and/or write about the character(s) and the setting. You will find the Book Nook response form in your child’s homework folder. In […]
Dear Kindergarten Families, Advent is here! A time to wait and to be patient. During Advent we learn how God’s family prepares their hearts in celebration of Jesus’ birthday. We will spend time on the Advent wreath and lighting of the candles. Important events: Tuesday is Teddy Bear Day! Please bring a new stuffed animal […]
Kindergarten kids know it is important to be thankful. Best wishes to your families over this holiday weekend.
Dear Kindergarten Families, We all have so much to be thankful for. I am truly grateful for your children, they make each day special. Enjoy time with family and friends during Thanksgiving weekend. Wednesday is a free dress day we are asking for one or two dollars to help Holy Spirit School with their sports […]
Kindergarten students have learned to ask their Saint in heaven to intercede in prayer for them. School-wide Learning Expectations A.2 Pray everyday and go to Mass. B. 8. Use what we have learned.